Friday, September 9, 2011


ALEX-KAZAM and The Mysterious Hole

Alex Turner, an eighth grade student, and his ten year old sister, Julia, make an annual summer visit to their grandparents’ home in the Catskill region of New York State. The large house, formerly owned by a famous illusionist, contains many surprises, such as small magic tricks which Alex and Julia use to perform for their parents, visiting aunts, uncles, and cousins at the Fourth of July gathering. This time, however, the youngsters stumble upon a hidden workshop in the barn that holds one of the biggest mysteries…a small, moveable hole that has many strange and dark secrets in its inky black interior.

In their haste to explore their discovery, they unwittingly release a baby dragon onto the world and cause the hole to begin to expand. In trying to contain the quickly growing creature that delights in terrifying the people of the town of Catskill and in attempting to figure out how to stop the enlarging hole, the young people find themselves engulfed in a dilemma of epic proportions. When things seem as if they can’t get worse, a mysterious stranger arrives in the middle of a storm to add further excitement and mystery.

A great story for adults and children alike, ALEX-KAZAM shows young people using creativity and common sense to cope with seemingly insurmountable problems. Venture in to see how they have to expand their minds and their skills in order to meet new challenges in this fast-paced adventure story that opens up a whole new world of discovery.

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