Friday, September 23, 2011


Grind Their Bones to Make My Bread
As FBI agent Kristen Tyler hunts an enigmatic serial killer, she confronts her own dark side when she crosses over from administering the law into enacting her own personal form of justice, and fears she is becoming what she is trying to destroy.

Caught up in a deadly game of life and death engineered by serial killers Henry and Judy Pringle, Kristen struggles with being held back by social laws, which protect the couple more than they do the victims. Living in a quiet suburban area and respected by their friends, this husband-wife duo, the masters of manipulation and deception, ensnare Kristen into a deadly game of chess, bringing in their neighbors’ children as innocent pawns to lead her and her colleagues astray at every opportunity. The couple’s cleverness at securing their victims and disposing of their bodies perplexes the authorities but antagonizes Kristen, causing her to pursue them relentlessly and ruthlessly. As her frustration to arrest them builds through a series of misjudgments and embarrassing setbacks, she resorts to desperate means. Isolating herself from her colleagues, she has personalized the conflict so intensely that only one outcome is possible…either she or the Pringles must die.

While chronicling her descent into the dark reaches of her mind, the action-packed, suspense thriller paints her as a stark contrast to Henry as he carefully and methodically plots their inevitable confrontation. As the plot twists and turns giving the reader insight into both of their motivations, her bulldog, tunnel vision pursuit acts as a dramatic opposite to his seemingly carefree, whimsical yet focused approach to life and death, leading to a climax that is totally shocking and unexpected.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

DOG GONE! check it out at

Normally I give you a synopsis of books on my friend's website, but today I'm departing from that. Yesterday I got some bad news and I was really down. I had time to kill to think, but that's the last thing I wanted to do since all it would mean was reflecting even more on the bad news. I picked up DOG GONE, which I have already read, and started it again. Within a couple of pages I remembered how when I read it the first time I laughed and realized that these guys had a life that was much worst than mine, but they continued on pursuing their dreams anyway. It made me think about things in a different way. Sometimes you need a laugh and a chance to look at how other people are handling adversity. If you feel down, you could do worst than to pick up DOG GONE!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

ADAM'S CHILDREN a vampire novel at

Adam’s Children

When eighteen year old Jack Niles accidentally discovers a laptop hidden in an old church steeple, he has no idea that he’s stumbled upon evidence that threatens to expose an ancient race of vampires. After uncovering a plot to murder the wives of ex-clergy by making their deaths appear to be accidents, Jack is accused of bludgeoning a handyman and drowning a priest, who possess clues to the murders. To save himself, Jack becomes a fugitive from the police, his only resource a portable travel drive from the dead priest’s effects that he is initially unable to decipher. In search of answers, Jack discovers that vampires are his true adversaries. They are actually descendents of an ancient race of humans, originating from some of the children of Adam and Eve, who mutated into vampires millennia ago. Their survival depends upon protecting the secret that they live among the regular population, indistinguishable from the rest of humanity. In addition, they are not vulnerable to the traditional items found in legends. They have more sinister goals and pursue Jack relentlessly to recover the travel drive, trying to keep him from exposing the truth of their existence.

As Jack encounters one obstacle after another in his breakneck flight around the country, he slowly begins to understand the terrifying magnitude of the plans of the vampires, known only as the Select, and wonders if he, or anyone, can stop them.

Monday, September 19, 2011

MURDER IN THE WHITE HOUSE action packed novel at


When the highly moral President of the United States kills his alcoholic wife in a fit of rage in the Lincoln bedroom of the White House on the eve of having to fly to Paris to sign a treaty that is vitally important to the defense of the country, he is so overwhelmed by his guilt that he becomes catatonic. Only three people know fully what has happened: the President’s Chief Assistant, Betsy Trent; Four Star Army General Salier; and Ron Jaluzski, Assistant to the Secretary of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.  Thus begins one of the greatest cover-up operations in the nation’s history. Ron is called upon to create the impossible, the President and his now deceased wife walking together across the White House lawn live in full view of cameras and reporters and getting on Marine One, the Presidential helicopter, in preparation for the first stage of the flight to Paris. With the intense scrutiny, there is no way a double for the President can even be considered; yet, the President’s condition is deteriorating by the minute, the prognosis is poor, and he is unable to move or even respond. If the treaty isn’t signed now, the whole process could fall apart and chaos would reign. Added to the problem is that the Vice-President has spoken out publicly against the treaty and can’t be trusted to sign it without trying to sabotage the peace conference, his ambitions to become the next President fueling his decision-making. The final bad news is what happens if Ron succeeds; how will the debilitated Commander-in-Chief exit Air Force One upon its arrival in Paris and actually sign the document in the presence of world leaders?

          Murder in the White House is a taut, tense action-packed thriller overflowing with mystery and intrigue. As the protagonist tries to navigate through the political jungle and the voracious media to bring about the seemingly impossible, he is so absorbed in the immediate problems he is facing that he loses track of the pending ones. There are surprises and twists leading up to a totally unexpected dynamic conclusion.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

MURDER IN THE LOCKED ROOM at where the reader becomes part of the experiment conducted by the killer

Murder in the Locked Room 
            The only woman officer on a small town police force whose usual duty is manning speed traps, Melanie Jordan suddenly finds herself thrust into the middle of a puzzling case. Is the richest man in town dead by his own hand, as many prominent experts believe, or has he actually been murdered, as Melanie’s gut feeling tells her? The overwhelming obstacle to her theory is that Walter Braxton Johnson was shot in the head, pistol clutched in his hand, while residing in a totally locked room with no possible way for another person to get in…or out.
          As she investigates the case, other people with close ties to Johnson also commit suicide, and the “person of interest” list from among the survivors continues to grow. Melanie’s superiors chalk up the deaths to “coincidence,” but the officer suspects murder and doggedly follows the evidence. Joining forces with a college student working on her doctorate degree in psychology, Melanie is able to formulate a theory that explains how and why the murder was done. Her dedication and perseverance finally lead to an arrest.
          But neither the officer nor the town is quite prepared for the subsequent trial that follows. The courtroom drama explodes with unexpected twists, turns, and seeming betrayals as the rival lawyers jockey for position with the jurors. Nothing is what it seems to be on the surface, which sets the stage for a surprise ending that both shocks and satisfies the reader, who finds out that he/she has also been part of the experiment going on in the novel.

Friday, September 16, 2011


ALEX-KAZAM and The Mysterious Hole

Alex Turner, an eighth grade student, and his ten year old sister, Julia, make an annual summer visit to their grandparents’ home in the Catskill region of New York State. The large house, formerly owned by a famous illusionist, contains many surprises, such as small magic tricks which Alex and Julia use to perform for their parents, visiting aunts, uncles, and cousins at the Fourth of July gathering. This time, however, the youngsters stumble upon a hidden workshop in the barn that holds one of the biggest mysteries…a small, moveable hole that has many strange and dark secrets in its inky black interior.

In their haste to explore their discovery, they unwittingly release a baby dragon onto the world and cause the hole to begin to expand. In trying to contain the quickly growing creature that delights in terrifying the people of the town of Catskill and in attempting to figure out how to stop the enlarging hole, the young people find themselves engulfed in a dilemma of epic proportions. When things seem as if they can’t get worse, a mysterious stranger arrives in the middle of a storm to add further excitement and mystery.

A great story for adults and children alike, ALEX-KAZAM shows young people using creativity and common sense to cope with seemingly insurmountable problems. Venture in to see how they have to expand their minds and their skills in order to meet new challenges in this fast-paced adventure story that opens up a whole new world of discovery.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

ADAM'S CHILDREN a vampire novel at

Adam’s Children

When eighteen year old Jack Niles accidentally discovers a laptop hidden in an old church steeple, he has no idea that he’s stumbled upon evidence that threatens to expose an ancient race of vampires. After uncovering a plot to murder the wives of ex-clergy by making their deaths appear to be accidents, Jack is accused of bludgeoning a handyman and drowning a priest, who possess clues to the murders. To save himself, Jack becomes a fugitive from the police, his only resource a portable travel drive from the dead priest’s effects that he is initially unable to decipher. In search of answers, Jack discovers that vampires are his true adversaries. They are actually descendents of an ancient race of humans, originating from some of the children of Adam and Eve, who mutated into vampires millennia ago. Their survival depends upon protecting the secret that they live among the regular population, indistinguishable from the rest of humanity. In addition, they are not vulnerable to the traditional items found in legends. They have more sinister goals and pursue Jack relentlessly to recover the travel drive, trying to keep him from exposing the truth of their existence.

As Jack encounters one obstacle after another in his breakneck flight around the country, he slowly begins to understand the terrifying magnitude of the plans of the vampires, known only as the Select, and wonders if he, or anyone, can stop them.