Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Poll Bearer Part 7 see more novels at www.writemeamystery.com

By late that afternoon, everything had arrived and been installed to Ron’s specifications. The team of students was busy hacking into top government and civilian sites and taking copies of records without leaving any indication that they had been stolen. The owl logo was never inserted to show that anyone had been there; so for all intents and purposes, nothing appeared to be touched. Daniel and Richie watched as lights went on and off on the machines indicating incoming data. Extra fans had to be brought in to supplement the regular cooling system to ensure that there was no overload. It almost looked as if students were racing each other as their fingers flew across the keyboards tapping out instructions for other computers located thousands of miles away.
“We’ll start working in a four-two rotation with four people on and two off during four hour shifts, that way we never really have to stop,” Ron said. “We’ll need some sleeping accommodations.”
“You can use my office,” Daniel said. “I’ll have beds brought in right away. There’s a bathroom with a shower as well. You tell me what clothes you need brought in from school, and I’ll have them here. Food will be supplied as you want it. Anything else, just ask my secretary, Lisa.”
After arranging with Lisa to turn his office into a modified dorm room, Daniel got a chef to stand by to cater to each student’s dietary needs. Right now, everything seemed to be progressing well, but the specter of Louis still hung over Daniel’s decision-making.

For the next week the students kept up their four-two pace never seeming to tire of what they were doing, nor were they asking why they were being asked to do it. The challenge was enough; of course they weren’t refusing the money and the new cars either. Then they hit their first snag.
“It’s one of the biggest online search engines,” Ron said. “They’ve been storing data on everybody who has ever used the internet, so they’ve built in unbelievable safeguards to protect it both from the government and hackers. We make the slightest mistake and we’ll have the F.B.I. up to our rectums so fast, it won’t be funny. It’s a goldmine of information, but think of getting it like walking in a minefield, blindfolded, while wearing swim fins and dragging an anchor. Eventually, you’re going to set one off, the trick is not be to in the immediate vicinity. We’re going to have to make it appear that another government is doing the hacking so that we get the results but they get the blame. You got any countries you particularly dislike?”
Daniel listed two: one had made him do a strip search at its airport, and the other had devalued its money while he was visiting making his dollars worth a lot less.
“We’ll start in the morning,” Ron said. “We’re all taking a break tonight.”
By the time Daniel returned to his office, Louis was already sitting in his favorite chair only this time it was between two beds.
“Problem?’ he asked in his clipped style of speaking.
“Not really,” Ron said trying to underplay the importance and risk of tomorrow’s attempt.
“Search engine?” Louis continued.
“Yes,” Daniel answered now knowing the two large rooms must be being monitored around the clock. Obviously some of those early technicians installed hidden cameras and listening devices per Louis’ instructions.
“Solutions?” Louis asked.
“Taken care of,” Daniel replied. He wanted to point at his own watch and say twenty-two, but he wasn’t sure how Louis would take the comment so he said nothing.
“Will you be ready on time?” Louis asked making a sentence of more than two words.
“Positively,” Daniel replied lying through his teeth.
China,” Louis said rising from the chair and making his way around one of the beds before walking to the door.
China? I don’t understand,” Daniel said puzzled at what Louis was saying.
“The country…China,” he said and then exited.
Now Daniel was sure, the rooms had been bugged and everything was being fed to Louis. From now on, all conversations with Ron would take place outside of the building. Even then he wasn’t sure they’d be safe.
Once Ron and his crew finished their phase of the project, Daniel would ask him if somehow the bugging devices might be neutralized…not taken out but rendered useless at crucial times to prevent what was going on in the room from leaking out. Maybe looping a tape or inserting static into an audio feed so whoever Louis had at the other end would think equipment failure and not human tampering.

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