Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Poll Bearer Part 25 see more novels at

            Sure enough, Slate was released the next day. The diagnosis was a severe sprain, so his nights of stalking women were over with for now. Dan’s plan had succeeded, and everything became better as Slate watched even more television than before. An added benefit was that he spent more time on his computer, so still photos could be assessed for their magazine value. Unfortunately, Slate also devoted time to searching for information; it was obvious that he was trying to identify Dan. Right now, Dan was uncertain if Slate had his license plate number since there was no way for an average citizen to run the numbers on the internet; so he still felt pretty safe. Then the unexpected happened.
            Louis made his daily invasion into Dan’s office, plopping his behind into his favorite chair.
            “Problem,” he began in his simplified way of speaking.
            “What now?” Dan asked disgustedly, feeling braver in his conversations with the man since the company was doing so well.
            “Police,” Louis answered taciturnly.
            The word immediately got Dan’s attention.
            “What do you mean?” Dan asked.
            “In my previous endeavors,” Louis said; “I always found it beneficial to have good communication within the police department.”
            Dan understood that to mean that Louis had a paid informant inside headquarters.
            “I have reliable information that the police are in possession of a photograph of two men acting suspicious on
Crandon Street
the other night,” Louis continued. “They appear to be fleeing from the home of one Andrew Slate. A neighbor’s security camera captured a series of pictures of the duo. One of the men had what looked like part of a woman’s stocking hanging around his neck. It seems there was a robbery in the area at the time, and the police are looking for these two men as possible suspects.”
            “So how is that a problem?’ Dan asked.
            “My…let’s say communicator, has been in this building,” Louis said looking directly at Dan. “He has seen you in person. You’re the guy in the picture. The cops haven’t identified you as of yet, but that’s only a matter of time. They’re interviewing people in that neighborhood to find out if anybody saw anything, especially Slate. Now I want to know why you were leaving Slate’s house when you, yourself, said none of us were to have contact with him. I want to know what any of this has to do with Slate’s sudden fall.”  
            “It’s not me,” Dan said weakly. “It must be somebody who looks like me. I was with my brother that night. We went to the movies.”
            “Then how come the other guy in the picture looks like your brother?” Louis asked now rising and approaching Dan. “Coincidence?”
            “Look, I can explain,” Dan said breaking down. “We went there because…because one of the key cameras wasn’t working. We snuck into the house. Slate heard us and fell down the stairs. He didn’t see us. We ran out of the place, that’s when the camera must have caught our picture.”
            “I don’t believe you,” Louis said sternly. “You either tell me the truth or things are going to happen that you won’t want. I have a man stationed outside the house where your brother lives right now. One call from me and that man goes inside and gets the truth from your brother in a way that won’t be pleasant. Now what is it?”
            “My brother doesn’t know anything,” Dan protested to deaf ears. “I just dragged him along to help. I noticed that Slate was spending less time at the television set and more with his computer. I also found out he was getting interested in a girl where he works. I figured that might change his patterns of behavior, screwing up his judgment and killing our golden goose. I didn’t want to say anything to you because…well, because I’m afraid of you. So, I thought if I injured Slate just enough so he had to stay home more, he’d spend more time in front of the TV and less in pining for the girl. I didn’t want to let anybody else know, so I conned my brother into helping me. That’s the truth. I swear it.”
            He tried desperately to pretend to be sincere by throwing in a little bit of truth to mask the lie. He knew he couldn’t tell Louis about Slate’s murderous tendencies, so he hoped this story would suffice. Throwing in the fact that he was frightened of Louis couldn’t hurt.
            Louis stood there uncertain what to do next. If Dan was telling the truth, no damage was done except to Slate’s leg. If he was lying, there was a possibility that the ocean of money would dry up quickly.
            “You have three days,” Louis said picking a number out of the air. “If things aren’t back to normal in three days or less, this firm will be looking for your replacement and your brother will join you where you’re going. Three days. Is that clear enough for you?”
            “I guarantee it,” Dan said stifling a sigh of relief as the man walked out of the room without his “don’t screw it up” line.
            Now he realized that the police were looking for him; Louis was threatening his life; Slate would obviously like to get his hands on him; and his brother was innocently involved in his mess. There had to be a way out, but he had no clue right now what it might be.

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